
clairette-de-dieIt was an important grape variety used to make table wine, but recently producers turned their attention towards crisp sparkling wines, for example, the Appellation Clairette de Die.

Colour:  White with brown dots.

Frequency: 3600 ha area planted.

Synonym(s):  In France you find various synonym such as: “clairette verte” in Bandol, “petite clairette” in Rhône, “blanquette” in Gard, etc.

Origin: Mediterranean.

Maturity: Third period.

Sensitivity to diseases: Extremely vigorous grape but susceptible to downy mildew.

Area(s) Cultivated:.

France→ Gard, Vaucluse, Drôme, Hérault, Var, Ardèche, Aude , Bouche du Rhône.

Europe→ Italy, Romania.

Worldwide→ South Africa, Morocco, Australia, Uruguay, Israel, India.

Type of Wines [ Profile ]

Dry and sparkling white wines. Dry wines tend to oxidizes quickly, but they are low in acidity.

Facts and tips:

  • AOC wines:  “la clairette-de-bellegarde”, and “la clairette-du-languedoc”.
  • It is one of the 13 grape variety authorized in the Chateau-neuf  du Pape blend.