Ziqi Zhang

 Asian Market Coordinator

Ziqi Zhang

After attending the University of Jiangnan as an Automobile Engineering Major, he leaves China for France to study Enterprise Management and Strategy in Paris. To continue his education in Management, he attends the Institut Européen de Management International (IEMI),for Luxury Product Management and soon became interested in the Wine Industry.

In 2008, he works for the Shanghai International Wine and Spirits Fair allowing him to make many contacts in the French Wine Industry. Starting in 2009, Ziqi becomes an Independent Agent sourcing quality French Wines for customers in the Chinese market.

2010 finds Ziqi creating his own Company in Nan Jing, China, which means today, he shares his time between Asia and Europe pre-selecting and judging them in wine tasting contests.

As a Wine Profiler partner, Ziqi Zhang is responsible for the Grand Crus sourcing, and Asian Markets. He is our bridge between old world wine traditions and the new emerging and dynamic expectations from the East.

Contact: contact@thewineprofilers.com