Melba Allen

 Communication & Events Manager

Melba Allen

 Leaving the USA for Europe after her studies at the University of Houston, Melba falls in love with the wine and food culture in France and decides to stay. She obtains a diploma from the well-known “Université-du-vin, Suze la Rousse in the Rhone Valley and at the same time succeeds in getting Beginning and Advance Certificates from the WSET [Wine & Spirits Education Trust] Program of London.

Operating her own Wine Company in France in 1997, Melba has been involved with buying and selling wines Internationally, judging wines in Tasting competitions, and writing on-line articles for www Elle, Vin & Cuisine Ask an Expert.

Returning to Texas in 2002 for a couple of years, Melba was the Director of the Wine Department of the Alain and Marie LeNotre Culinary Institute, a Member of the Wine Society of Texas and the Chain des Rotisseurs de l’Etoile Solitaire in Houston. Today, Melba works in areas such as Wine Training for Restaurants and Wine shops,as well as speaks in Conferences across Europe, and gives lectures on Wine Science and Business and Wine Tourism at the “Institut Européen de Management International (IEMI) in Paris. She is also a Member of “l’Union des Sommeliers de France à Lyon” and the Union Sommelier International.

As The Wine Profilers Communications Coordinator of the social medias, and blogger, Melba Allen assists in pre-selecting wines and is in charge of TWP groups (units) and International Communications.
